Volume 54, Issue 3 p. 304-314

Effect of massage therapy with lavender oil on severity of restless legs syndrome and quality of life in hemodialysis patients

Ayser Döner

Corresponding Author

Ayser Döner

Department of Internal Nursing, Erciyes University Faculty of Health Science, Kayseri, Turkey


Ayser Döner, Department of Internal Diseases Nursing, Erciyes University Health Sciences Faculty, 38260 Kayseri, Turkey.

Email: [email protected]

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Sultan Taşcı

Sultan Taşcı

Department of Internal Nursing, Erciyes University Faculty of Health Science, Kayseri, Turkey

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First published: 14 November 2021
Citations: 3

This study was announced at 2nd International Internal Medicine Nursing Congress, held online between 17 and 19 December 2020 and oral presentation won the second prize award with the Best Selected Paper Presentation Award.

Funding information

This study is associated with the master's thesis “Effect of Massage Therapy with Lavender Oil on Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients”. This study was approved and financially supported by the Unit of Scientific Research Projects of Erciyes University (project number: TYL-2018-8394).



This study assessed the effects of massage therapy using 5% lavender oil on the severity of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and the quality of life (QoL) of patients on hemodialysis (HD).

Design and methods

This is a randomized placebo-controlled study with a pretest–posttest design. This study was conducted from January 30, 2019, to May 6, 2019, at HD centers in Turkey, and it includes 58 participants—31 study patients and 27 controls. Data were collected using patient identification form, RLS severity rating scale, Kidney Disease Quality of Life Scale (KDQOLTM-36) and patient follow-up charts. As per the massage therapy protocol, the patients in the study and control groups received massage therapy with lavender oil and baby oil, respectively.


RLS severity significantly decreased in all follow-up weeks in the study group and in the first, second, and third follow-up weeks in the control group. There were significant differences between the groups in terms of KDQOLTM-36 subscales and total scores at the initial and final follow-ups.


In HD patients, massage with lavender oil lessened the severity of RLS and improved the QoL. Accordingly, this therapy can be recommended to HD patients.

Clinical relevance

Massage therapy during HD sessions is easy, inexpensive, and patient-friendly with no side effects. It is known to reduce symptoms and enable the patients to easily perform daily activities of living. Massage therapy with lavender oil is effective and can be easily applied to patients with RLS by nurses.

Trial registration

This study was registered under the Clinical Trials protocol registration system (NCT04630470) upon completion.